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Booking / Cancellation Policy


Please call the dive shop 48 hours before commencement of tour to confirm the weather forecast is suitable. If you're booking less then 48 hours prior to commencement of tour you must call the shop before booking to confirm availability and the weather forecast is suitable. Failure to do so may mean we cannot accommodate you when you arrive even if you have made an online booking.

20% Deposit is required to secure a booking, the balance is payable in-store on arrival by cash, card or gift voucher. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.


Tours may be cancelled by South West Rocks Dive at anytime due to weather conditions, if so participants are able to transfer their booking to another date or receive a refund for unused services.

Cancellations made by participants for any reason;

- More then 7 days prior to commencement of tour can transfer their deposit to another booking or receive a voucher for the deposited amount that can be used for a future booking (Valid for 3 years). Or receive a refund back to their credit card less a $20 cancellation fee.

- Less then 7 days prior to the commencement of tour incur a 20% cancellation fee of the total booking amount.

- Less then 2 days prior to the commencement of tour incur a 100% cancellation fee of the total booking amount and will be charged to the supplied credit card.

If any participant does not show up, the full booking amount will be charged to the supplied credit card. This includes group bookings where one or more participants are unable to attend.

* Please note the payment gateway can take up to 3 days to process refunds.

Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers are non-refundable and valid for 3 Years. Vouchers can be transferred to another person for use. Vouchers can be used for online bookings or in-store for any product or service.

Pricing Disclaimer

We reserve the right to change our product/service's prices at any time without further notice. If you have secured your booking with a deposit or full payment, we guarantee that price for three months from when the booking was made. However if the booking is altered in any way the new price is automatically applied.

COVID-19 Lockdown 

In the event that we are unable to operate due to COVID-19 restrictions at the time of your booking, you will receive a voucher for any deposit paid that that can be used anytime in the future.
